What You Need to Know About Facebook Messenger Bots

What You Need to Know About Facebook Messenger Bots

What Are Facebook Messenger Bots?

Email marketing is great! You build a list of your ideal, targeted customers and develop a warm audience that you can sell too.

The downfall to this…..

If your ideal customers are like me, they are receiving 100’s of emails that are similar to yours every day.

Email Marketing vs Facebook Messenger Bots

So what is the work around for this day and age?

Try the new email marketing method known as Facebook Messenger bots, also called messenger bots, chat bots or Facebook bots – 88% open rate and 56% click through rate!

Metrics like that are CRAZY, and hard to ignore!

You may have already heard of it, maybe even implemented it into your strategy, or maybe you have been a target of a “messenger bot”.

So what exactly is a Facebook Messenger Bot? A bot is a Facebook Page that can respond to users automatically and send out messages to them.

Keep reading or scroll to the bottom where I have a Video showing you a quick tour of a Tool that I like to use to create a Messenger Bot.

Facebook Messenger Notification

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I see that red notification button, I just have to click it and am not satisfied until it is gone. I cannot just let it linger, so I personally will always open it.

If it is something that catches my eye, I am definitely intrigued and will be more likely to read it through Messenger more so then I would email.

Especially with this form of marketing being so new. I know I am not alone, there are others out there like me. Are you one of them?

Try the new email marketing method known as Facebook Messenger bots, also called messenger bots, chat bots or Facebook bots

With Facebook rising in popularity, the social media platform is quickly becoming the most lucrative place to advertise. For those looking for an alternative to the old method of email marketing, Facebook Messenger Bots are the answer.

Facebook is proving year after year why it is one of the most powerful platforms for marketing.

Do you want to be one of the early adopter of Facebook Messenger bots? It will give you a huge advantage as a marketer. Then keep reading…

Related: Are you a Blogger or a Business Owner Looking to Learn More about the Web for Your Business? Join our FB VIP Group: [Web Basics for Online Bosses]

How do Messenger Bots Work?

These intelligent bots are able to target Facebook users in a specific niche and automatically send them messages.

It has a massive reach, higher chances of people engaging, faster and more accurate then any email marketing expert could hope to achieve.

Here are a few things you can do with Facebook messenger bots:

1) You can set up messaging sequences to people in Messenger.
2) You can send downloads, videos, links to your website, etc. through Messenger.
3) You can create a sales funnel that can give you sales right inside of Messenger.
4) You can use AI’s to have automated conversations with real users on Messenger.

The New Kid on the Block

It is an amazing concept and you definitely want to add this new way into your marketing strategy. Take advantage of being an early adopter and your will benefit the most. You don’t know how long it will last before EVERYONE catches on.

I don’t know about you, but I use Facebook Messenger more then any other platform for communication, (even more then text).


I also know that this day and age people have shorter attention spans which makes Messenger a go-to for getting your messages out faster compared to email.

This can free up hours in your day that would have been dedicated to sending an email to each person individually. Using these bots can help increase your sales and skyrocket your business.

With over 2 billion active users this year, Facebook cannot be ignored anymore. For this reason, Facebook Messenger Bots have become the newest marketing technique.

Pros of Using Facebook Messenger Bots

One of the most sought after benefits of Facebook Messenger Bots is their accuracy. They have the ability to reach your determined demographic based upon your unique sets of audience.

Internet users are so accustom to spam emails that they are unlikely to open an unfamiliar email. However, a Facebook message is more intriguing and increases the chances the message will be read.

Furthermore, this will result in higher conversion rates as these potential customers turn into paying customers.

These Messenger Bots are on the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence. For this reason, they are highly capable and very easy to use.


Essentially, users only have to set a few parameters around which the bots will act. For example, users can preset a keyword or phrase that will trigger the bot to send a message to any individual who includes that keyword or phrase in a post.

These Messenger Bots can also be set to contact Facebook users who like a certain page related to their niche or who are active in relevant pages.

Another option is to have the bots send a message to all of the users who like your own Facebook page.

This is a great way to ensure all interested Facebook users are contacted directly. All of these options are quite easy to set and the bot takes care of the rest.

Tools You Can Use to Create a Facebook Messenger Bot

There are different ways to create your own interactive Facebook Messenger bot. You can even create one right inside of Facebook that allows you to respond immediately to Messages, increasing your response time.

Aside from that, there are 2 ways to create a Facebook Messenger bot: the programmers way or the EASY way!

We won’t get into the programmers way in this blog, because I have a feeling that would bore most if not all of you, into leaving this page.


The easy way can take no time at all!

I will start by naming my favourite tool so far for this: ManyChat.

ManyChat for Facebook Messenger Bot

I have included a video below that will go into more details about this awesome tool and give you a quick tour.

Other Tools Include:

Chatfuel – You can launch a full-featured chatbot in 7 minutes with this tool.

Chatfuel Facebook Chat Bot

This is also a well known ChatBot tool and the best part is that it is free up until 500,000 monthly active users. Which is great for business owners. You get all of the power without being ties down.

ChattyPeople – This is a great, basic AI customer support bot.

ChattyPeople Facebook Chat Bot

Sequel – This easy-to-use platform includes helpful templates to get started. For example: PublisherBot, PersonalBot, GameBot, ChatterBot and StoryBot. It can also be used on Kik, Viber and Telegram.

Sequel ChatBot

There are plenty of tools out there for you to test out and see which one you like best.

Still Not Convinced?

It’s hard to ignore data — 88% open rates and 56% click-through rates.

Here are a few more interesting facts:

    • 1.2 billion …. that is the number of people using Facebook Messenger EVERY month. If you don’t think your ideal customer is using Messenger, you might want to look again.
    • Have you ever heard the term “email fatigue”? It is a real thing! People are getting overwhelmed by the amount of emails that they receive daily. Many people hold back on giving their email address in exchange for a “freebie” anymore. Do you want more bad news? They might completely ignore your marketing emails altogether.
    • People know that it is easier to open a Facebook Messenger thread then it is to opting into an email newsletter or campaign requires.
    • It only takes one-click to subscribe with Messenger. This takes out the steps of having to type in your email, click submit, confirm email, etc. From a Marketers perspective , it takes a lot longer and more work to build an email list. With less steps, creating a list of Facebook Messenger leads is a lot less work.
    • You can create a sequence just like an eamil campaign with a Messenger bot can have a sequence just like an email campaign. You can make them as long or short as you would like.
    • Messenger sequences are work fast. The downfall of an email campaign sequence is that you should wait at least a day or two before sending additional emails.
      With Facebook Messenger, you can send more messages within minutes or whenever you want. Plus, responses are instant and you can immedialt engage in real-time conversations with your leads.
    • Since your leads are already on Facebook, you can retarget your Messenger leads faster and easier then email marketing.
    • You still have the fancy opt-in options (popups, slide-ins, buttons, boxes, etc. ) with Messenger bots. You can gain a new lead by someone leaving a comment now.

    via GIPHY

    What’s Next?

    Although these bots are highly effective and accurate, many people are still missing out on the opportunity. This makes it the perfect time to begin using them.

    While other advertisers are busy wasting their time with email marketing, you can be watching those conversion rates skyrocket as the AI bots take care of all the messaging.

    This is another step towards complete automation that has many entrepreneurs on the edge of their seat.

    Are you convinced at how easy it is to gain leads through Messenger?

    The only thing left is setting up your own campaign. I know, I know….another thing to learn and worry about as an entrepreneur.

    Getting leads might be easy, but setting it up might be harder for you. We can help, while you continue running your business.

    Leave the set up to the us. We have a promotion going on RIGHT NOW with a low intro rate! Find us on FACEBOOK and leave us a Message to find out more!

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